Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Wet Fish

I have to share this story...

From an experience in the Special Education School I work at:

This is an eight year old. Goofy kid really. He's got two buck-teeth that remind you of "Mater" in the movie "Cars". And the way... he tells a story (lie) at least once a minute! Anyway, here's the "story." We'll call him "Mater" :) (It's the best analogy I can think of...)

Our school was at an annual field day. We have only about 45 kids in our school, an intense behavioral and emotionally disturbed group. During the field day kids pick certain activities such as fishing, basketball, hiking, etc. "Mater" chose fishing.


Mater: I got one, I got one Mrs. G! (he tells one of the teaching staff).

Mrs. G: Pull it in Mater!

(Mater reeled it in...and got the fish on shore. He goes to touch the fish and says in astonishment...

Mater: Oh my God Mrs. G, the fish is WET!!!!!!!

That's our Mater...

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