Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Busy busy busy...Finding Balance

What a busy life. I know tons of families with children and they do everything. Some have their kids in swimming, piano, soccer, chess, foriegn language and more all at the same time! Well, it works for them.

Keeping children busy has some major advantages but can be downright comsuming on the parents too. The flip side to filling up each day is to structure no activities for your kids.

Doing Nothing:

For my (almost) seven year old we have recently had some downtime between activities. The increased free time combined with the extended daylight hours have led to much more unstructured time for her. Some kids handle this well and some not so well. In our case I think she struggles and does not exercise good judgment with the inreased time on her hands.

What I am learning from my daughter is that she needs to be challenged and even structured a little more in order to do her best. Sure, she has no trouble keeping busy for a while, but there are limits.

Tuning In:

Tuning in to the difference in kids behavior is the first step in helping them. All kids need some guidance in "self management." By being a good observer we can promote communication and problem solving in our youngers. While not over-doing it I'll plan to add some activities back into her daily schedule. This will be particularly important in the Summer when school is out.

Happy parenting...

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